Aththanagalla Raja Maha Viharaya

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Attanagalla Rajamaha Viharaya is a standout amongst the most celebrated antiquated illustrious sanctuaries in Sri Lanka. Attanagalla Royal sanctuaries is the essential one among its nine subordinate sanctuaries and is arranged in Western Province, Sri Lanka, 28 miles upper east of Colombo, the capital city of Sri Lanka. It is exceptional in light of the fact that it is the main antiquated sanctuary truly perceived as where a Bodhisattva (a future Buddha) satisfied his Dana Paramita (one of the ten excellencies to be finished by a Bodhisattva to end up a Buddha, an Awakened One). He yielded his life by giving his head in appreciation for some help he got from a poor and common kinsman.

Known by the name of King Sri Sangabo (247-249 A.D.) he was perceived in the accounts and other antiquated writing of Sri Lanka as the most devout Buddhist lord in Sri Lankan history. Subsequent to King Sri Sangabo, his sibling Gothabhaya (249-262 A.D.) turned into the ruler of the nation and fabricated a Stupa (Pagoda) at where his sibling, Bodhisattva Sri Sangabo, made the incredible forfeit satisfying a parami. As indicated by the Attanagall Vihara Chronicle, amid the rule of King Upatissa (365-406 A.D.), one of the priests, having drilled reflection, accomplished Arahanthship (illumination) at this sanctuary. Lord Upatissa was extremely satisfied to hear this and fabricated a five-story religious community, which he offered to the Maha Sangaha.
